SCCM | Export Index from a Multi OS ISO

Downloading a new ISO from Microsoft, your realise that the ISO actually contains multiple versions, for example Windows 10.ISO contains Education, Enterprise, Pro, Education N, Enterprise N and Pro N (N usually meaning the Korean version).

I’ve notice two cons for deploying a Multi OS image:

  1. Applying updates can take longer as it needs to apply the update to all versions of the ISO
  2. All be it your not saving much but I’ve noticed that the image size is smaller with only the one index which does improve OSD time

Follow the steps below to export an index from the ISO.

  1. To extract the relevant version from the ISO start by extracting the ISO using 7Zip or mount the ISO natively so it appears as a drive.
  2. Open an administrative command prompt or Powershell window
  3. Type the following to show the index’s that are available:
    DISM /Get-WimInfo /WimFile:<Path to mounted or extracted ISO>\sources\install.wim
  4. After executing the above command your see the list of available versions:
  5. Keep track of the Index number you require as this will be needed on the next step
  6. Create a new folder in the relevant location as this will be the container for the new install.wim
  7. Now we’ll export the single index to its own wim file:
    Dism /Export-Image /SourceImageFile:<Path to mounted or extracted ISO>\sources\install.wim /SourceIndex:<Index number> /DestinationImageFile:<Path to new folder>\install.wim /DestinationName:"<Name of OS and Version>"
  8. If the command is correct your receive the following message:
  9. Check the new folder you created and your see the new Install.wim file. Import this into SCCM as usual and deploy!

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